




Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music


    It does make a difference what you call things.

-- Kate Douglas Wiggin
 Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music
Most of us think of dandelions as weeds.Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music We buy special tools and poisons when they crop up and complain about them as surely as we welcome the spring that brings them. 

Yet is there anything more lovely than a sea of yellow dandelions by the side of the road in June?

Or as remarkable in transformation as the filaments of the mature dandelion blowing on the wind? 

Sometimes we let someone else define for us what are weeds and what are flowers. 

We don't have to.

Much of the beauty of the world is that we ourselves decide what is beautiful according to our own feelings.

How lucky we are that, when we choose to, we can open our eyes and see! 

Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

 You feel the way you do right now

because of the thoughts you are thinking at this moment.

-- David D. Burns
Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music
  • Good thoughts are like bright colors in a painting. Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music
  • Negative thoughts are dark and dreary and drab.
  • Each day we paint pictures of our own lives with our thoughts. 
  • If we step back and look at the canvas, we will see whether the picture is alive with bright colors or dreary and lifeless like a dark cloud. 
  • Our thoughts have the power to bring joy or sadness our way, depending on what we expect or look for in our surroundings.
  • The choice of how we want our lives to be is ours.
  • Since we paint a new picture each day, we are always free to change things when they don't please us. What better time than the present?





    Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music



     When you do something you are proud of,

    dwell on it a little, praise yourself for it.


     -- Mildred Newman



    Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

    Each one of us is very good at something.Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music
    Maybe it's baseball or tennis where we display talent.
      Maybe we're good in math or at giving reports.
    A few people are talented at being good listeners or helpful friends. 
    To recognize our own talents we may need help from others.
    It's always so much easier to see our faults, or the ways we don't meet our own expectations.
    But the fact is we are all skilled in many areas of our lives.
    To accept praise -- better yet, to quietly give it to ourselves -- is a sign of healthy growth. 


       Copyright © 2024 Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. All rights reserved. from the book Today's Gift

    Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music


    Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

    Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

    Snowing image Copyright © Pixabay

    Some dividers from Jeanne's Home Page (dead link 07/06/2011)

    Promise image Copyright © Carl Lundgren

    Lavender Serenade and Prelude In Blue images Copyright © Nene Thomas


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