Love is
always open arms.
-- Leo
There is a
story about a boy who left home and dishonored his
father by spending a large amount of money on fast
and reckless living.
When the
boy's money ran out, he was faced with the
prospect of returning home to face his father,
knowing the father had every reason to be
disappointed in him.
with fear and shame he approached his home, his
mind racing with words of apology. Before the boy
could say a word, his father rushed to him with
open arms and hugged his lost son in joy and love.
Have we
done this? Have we found it in our hearts to
approve whatever a loved one does, even if we
would have wanted something different?
Love like
this is the highest kind of love. It finds joy in
others no matter what, because it recognizes the
freedom of those we love, and doesn't chain them
to our own wants.
It is the
same kind of love God has for us.
'Tis God gives
skill, but not without men's hands.
He could not
make Antonio Stradivarius violins
-- George Eliot
When she
was four years old, she climbed onto the piano
To her
parents' astonishment, a simple prelude she'd
heard on the radio flew across the keys from her
That very
week they found her a teacher, and the house was
filled with the music of her developing
other girls played, made the honor roll, starred
on the basketball team, and dated boyfriends, she
sat inside at her beloved piano and
seventeen, when she made her debut, the critics
said, "She's a natural. A genius!"
We know
she was no natural, but through hard work, she
made her piano playing part of her nature.
When we
put love into our labor, our own dreams grow into
The difficulty in
life is the choice.
-- George Moore
How we
choose to spend our time says much about what is
important to us.
If we have
no goals, we may try to kill time.
If we have
too many goals, there may not be enough time in
the day to do all we set out to do.
We must
make some choices based on our values.
We may
need to take more time for some things, and let go
of others.
example, this year will we try to learn to play
the guitar?
Perhaps we
have finally decided to drop out of that club
which seems to have little purpose. Will we
give more time to work, or less time? With
each of these choices, we shape our lives.
can do it with the touch of an artist if we pay
attention to the choices we are making.
Copyright ©
2024 Hazelden Betty
Ford Foundation. All rights reserved. from the book
Today's Gift
Glowing image Copyright © Pinterest
M'Lady Witch image Copyright © Kirk
Dividers from Hobo's
Country Graphics (dead link 10/2002)
Fairy Song image Copyright © Arantza
Mermaid & Child II
image Copyright © David Delamare from Bad
Monkey Productions
Aquarius image Copyright © Christina