A person who
is looking for something
doesn't travel
very fast.
-- E. B. White
What do we
really want? What are we seeking? Many of us have felt driven and
still feel restless or compulsive at times.
We frantically
allowed our impulses to self-destructive extremes.
Even those painful
actions of our past were motivated, at the bottom
line, by a spiritual search.
What did we really
seek in the bottle, or in the passionate bed, or
in our work?
Slowing down
enough every day to let ourselves know what we are
looking for gives us a much better chance of
finding it.
Today we can slow
down by taking twenty minutes for solitude and
quiet, for meditation or prayer.
We can call a
friend simply for a moment of contact.
We might read
something to give ourselves some ideas to ponder,
or we can listen to music which will transport us
to another world.
Perhaps we can
simply walk more slowly from our cars or the bus
stop to our homes.
Often it is not
the events in our lives that bring change but the
space between events.