Moon Beauty



Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing MusicInspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing MusicInspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing MusicInspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing MusicInspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing MusicInspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music


How do we punish those momentarily gone wrong?



Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

Do we try hurting with words --

 jab them in the heart with some spear-shaped phrases, slap them in the face with an insult or two?   Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

Maybe we like to poison them with a strong dose of silence.  

 Have we tried to make them feel bad by making them feel sorry for us?

Do we remind them daily that what went wrong with our lives is really all their fault?

We must remember that we are the rulers of our own lives only, and this knowledge gives us the power to punish only ourselves.  

 It also gives us control over our lives, so that others' actions need not wrong us, and we need not punish.





Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

The game of life is a game of boomerangs.

Our thoughts, deeds, and words return to us

sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.

-- Florence Scovel Shinn


Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

We plant the seeds of the bounty we'll reap by every action we take.

We teach others how to treat us by our treatment of them coupled with our own level of self-respect. Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

Never should we be surprised at the level of comfort or discomfort we experience in our interactions with others. We have invited it.

Fortunately, we are in control of our own behavior, which means we have the choice to act responsibly and with respect for others every moment of our lives.

We can be certain that we'll be treated in similar fashion throughout the day. The terms of life are simple when defined in this way. We get what's our due -- and we've prearranged it ourselves.

It's seldom that circumstances discourage us as much as our relations with others. Most often our frustrations or depression are people-centered. 

The good news is that we have the capability to favorably influence all outcomes that involve other persons.

At every opportunity, remember the treatment we each desire and offer that to others.


Copyright © 2024 Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. All rights reserved. from the books Today's Gift and The Promise of a New Day


Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music 10/18/2024
Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music
Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

Moon Beauty 1 image Copyright © TensorArt

Punish initials Carol's Clipart Collection (dead link)

Victorian birdhouse Copyright © Rosemarie's Everything Page (dead link 09/2002)

Carly image Copyright © Lauri Blank

Song of the Hummingbird Muses image Copyright © Jonathon Earl Bowser



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