
Future Vision




Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music



 Happiness is like manna.

It is to be gathered and enjoyed every day.

-- Tryon Edwards



Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music


Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, andInspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music delicious fruit; but many of us spend much of life looking for happiness around the next corner.

We do not bend to enjoy the happiness which is ours for the taking just at our feet. 

In our desire to reach the "pot of gold," the complete and lasting happiness we all want to fill our lives, we ignore anything which doesn't seem worthy of such a large ambition...

...or which can't give us the whole thing all at once. 

Happiness is all around us, but it often comes in small grains.

When we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful.





Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music


The more a diamond is cut the more it sparkles.


-- Anonymous



Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

There is something of value to be found even in the worst of things. Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

Consider the oyster. 

When a grain of sand penetrates an oyster's shell, it irritates the oyster, making it uncomfortable. 

The oyster relieves the pain by coating the sand with a soothing liquid.

When this liquid hardens, a pearl is formed.

The very process that healed the oyster creates a precious jewel for others to cherish and admire. 

The way in which we deal with our own frustrations -- painful though they may be -- can make a difference.

Pearls can be formed from our experiences, making us wiser and stronger, or grains of sand -- anger, bitterness, resentment -- can remain embedded inside us.

The choice is ours.


Copyright © 2024 Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. All rights reserved. from the book Today's Gift

Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music 12/20/2024
Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music
Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

Future Vision image Copyright © Pinterest

Banners and bars from Skull's Home of the Horizontal Rule (dead link 1999)

Nebula image Copyright © Teri Rosario

Tree Light image Copyright © Sakimichan


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