



Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music



Time Will Ease The Hurt 


-- Bruce B. Wilmer



Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

The sadness of the present days
Is locked and set in time,
Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing MusicAnd moving to the future
Is a slow and painful climb.
But all the feelings that are now
So vivid and so real
Can't hold their fresh intensity
As time begins to heal.
No wound so deep will ever go
Entirely away;
Yet every hurt becomes
A little less from day to day.
Nothing can erase the painful
Imprints on your mind; 
But there are softer memories
That time will let you find.
Though your heart won't let the sadness
Simply slide away,
The echoes will diminish
Even though the memories stay.




Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music



The universe is made up of stories, not atoms. 


-- Muriel Rukeyser



Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

There was once a storyteller who told many people of her life. Starlight

They listened and heard their own stories in hers.

Hearing her story, they didn't feel so lonely anymore.

Hearing about someone else who had lost things and people she loved, who had felt lonely, scared, and unsure of herself, let them feel less crazy when similar things happened to them. 

 Because of the healing they felt through hearing someone else's story, some of the listeners decided to become storytellers themselves.

As they recounted their stories, they found that letting out secrets that had bothered them for years freed them to feel good about who they were and who they had always wanted to be.



Universe story Copyright © 2024 Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. All rights reserved. from the book Today's Gift


Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music


Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music


Inspirational Short Story, Female Fantasy Art, Relaxing Music

Model Art Copyright © Pixabay

Some dividers from Fantasyland Graphics (dead link - 05/18/2011) -- some dividers from A Touch of Country (dead link - 01/10/2005) (

Time Will Ease The Hurt Copyright © Bruce B. Wilmer

Private Concerto image Copyright © Jean-Paul Avisse

Cosmic Starlight image Copyright © Pixabay

(  Permission to use the copyrighted images of Jean-Paul Avisse is licensed from Prestige Art Galleries, Inc. )



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